Aims and Objectives

The Revitalisation of the Township Economy: The reality is that many South African’s (whether qualified or not) will not find employment due to the countries unemployment crises. MySpaza is an innovative entrepreneurial solution aimed at creating employment and social cohesion thus improving the circulation of money within townships and rural areas.

 To Streamline Customer Service in Informal Trading :Through the upskilling and uniformity of Spaza management, operation and practices as well as ensuring consistency in branding and service excellence we are committed to lessening the challenges faced by both the business owner and the customers. 

Bulk Buying Solution and Mini Distribution Centres: MySpaza endeavours to ensure that locally manufactured goods will be afforded an opportunity to compete with other major national brands produced in the small business market. Therefore the programme is negotiating good deals with local suppliers, in which some of them are from the same locations where the outlets/ Spaza shops are operating.



  • Wholesaling of stock to My Spaza Outlets and other businesses as well as supplying to government departments.
  • Sourcing stock from cooperatives for resale purposes.
  • Providing business support to My Spaza Outlets.
  • Installation of New Systems to all Tuck-Shops with Ithala Bank
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